
Saturday 11 May 2024

1 Samuel 2:31-36 - The time is coming


Eli’s family would all die young. Eli himself was already very old, but his sons would die young, and this would persist in the family line. They would be cut off from any blessings that Israel might receive. 2:33 makes this even clearer. We might object that this is “unfair”. However, we would be far better served by considering the seriousness of treating the Lord’s Name nor His altar and people with contempt.


The judgement is now made very specific, showing that the words of this prophet were indeed genuine, a true message from the Lord. Hophni and Phinehas would both die on the same day. Despite the appalling behaviour of these two, God’s plans had not changed. He would raise up for Himself a faithful priest. Note the words “for myself”. The priest is there to serve the Lord, if we serve in the church in any way, we do so for the Lord’s benefit, not for ours. This faithful priest would “do what is in my heart and mind”. This priestly house would serve forever. The house of Eli would be truly humbled, they would bow down before the true priest. And the faithful priest is, of course, the Messiah.

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