
Monday 27 May 2024

1 Samuel 6:17-21 - Who can stand in the presence of the Lord?


There was a gold tumour for each of the cities, and it seems that there was a gold rat/mouse for each of the towns and villages. At the time of the writing of 1 Samuel the large rock on which the ark of the Lord had been set was still there. 


Some of the men of Beth Shemesh looked into the Ark, and so were struck down by the Lord. The Bible is manifestly not a “pro-Israel” text, it is about God. For Israel is under the same requirements as everyone else, and Israel is represented as at least as sinful as everyone else. So the seventy who were killed are a sign of the same judgement that befell Philistia. This judgement caused the people of Israel to mourn. The people of Beth Shemesh were no longer so keen on having the Ark in their midst. They were beginning to recognise that the Lord was a Holy God. They wanted it to go to Kiriath Jearim, a town about ten miles further up the Sorek valley. No one wanted he Ark in their town!

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