
Friday 10 May 2024

1 Samuel 2:27-30 - A man of God came to Eli


We now have an unnamed prophet who comes to give a word of rebuke and a foretelling of judgement to Eli. The word from the prophet begins back in Egypt when God rescued them from slavery. Without God Israel would be nothing. God had also revealed Himself as holy, i.e. completely different from all idols and nations. Israel was chosen to be His nation, to live according to His ways, and within that the priests were to represent the Lord Himself. To scorn God’s sacrifices was an appalling thing to do. Eli’s sons fattened themselves up at the expense of the people.  Anyone who exploits God’s people is putting themselves in grave danger, as well as the act being an offence to God.


Judgement is now pronounced on the whole of Eli’s family.  The Lord had appointed the Levites to serve as His priests, but all of God’s promises in the Law were contingent upon the Israelites being faithful. This they manifestly failed to do, and Eli’s sons are a particular example of this. We might think it unfair that the whole family suffers. However, there are some things to consider. First is that the whole tenor of the Bible, Old and New Testaments, shows that if someone genuinely repents then they are welcomed by the Lord. Secondly is the importance of family. The family is the essential building block of God’s society, we have a duty towards our whole family. Thirdly, God works generationally. Promises apply generationally, curses (God’s judgement on man’s sin) also apply generationally. Finally, with regard to the latter point, the blessings are more long lasting than the curses (Ex 20:5,6).

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