
Tuesday 21 May 2024

1 Corinthians 1:5-7 - You have been enriched in every way


Paul is still preparing the ground before he starts to deal with the serious issues which abounded in Corinth. These issues included specific items, such as lawsuits and incest, but there were also serious attitudinal matters. Indeed these wrong attitudes could be said to lie at the root of many of the problems. One of these was a competitive nature, wanting to prove oneself better than others, or boasting about what we have and what we can do. One of these was the matter of spiritual gifts, and taking pride in wisdom or speaking ability. Paul begins by recognising that these are good gifts. Paul then reminds them that these confirm the testimony that Paul and his companions had given them about Jesus Christ. 


So it is good that they “do not lack any spiritual gift”. This may have been said somewhat tongue in cheek. The Corinthians actually needed a lot more knowledge and wisdom than they thought they had. Moreover, they should have been waiting for “our Lord Jesus Christ to be revealed”, i.e. waiting for the return of Christ. Paul is aiming to get them to put their primary focus on Jesus Christ.

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