
Sunday 12 May 2024

1 Samuel 3:1-4 - The word of the Lord was rare


The focus now turns to Samuel. Eli’s house has been told that they will be removed, and dealt with very severely, but there would be no vacuum, for God’s man, Samuel, would be made a prophet for Israel. We are told here that “in those days the word of the Lord was rare; there were not many visions”. Note the implication that the normal state of affairs is that God speaks to His people, both as individuals and corporately. This is what we see happening throughout the Bible. The foundation for all this is the written word of God, the Bible. The Bible should not be just a book, but the living word of God. There will also be times when there are prophecies or visions from the Lord.


Eli was already very old, and now his sight is starting to go. Meanwhile Samuel was lying “in the house of the Lord, where the ark of God was”. The reference to the ark of God perhaps implies the presence of God. God certainly was present, for He called out to Samuel. Samuel answered “Here I am”, but did not realise who was calling him.

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