
Tuesday 23 April 2024

Ruth 3:10-18 - The Lord bless you my daughter


Boaz seems quite taken by Ruth’s actions. Why had Boaz not acted sooner? He was probably somewhat older than Ruth and thought she would want someone younger. In all this tale there is both initiative on the part of Boaz, especially in his earlier actions, and his actions after this. But there is also initiative on the part of Ruth as we see here. It is like that in coming to Christ. Is it Christ who seeks us out, or is it we who seek Christ? The answer is yes. Jesus portrays Himself as the good shepherd seeking out the lost sheep, but He also says “seek and you shall find”. In the parable of the prodigal son, the son realises the mess he has made of his life and decides to return home, but the Father lavishes riches on him beyond his wildest dreams., Boaz responds very favourably to Ruth’s request, and declares that she is “a woman of noble character”. 


Boaz will act properly. There was a relative who was closer than he, so he would give this other relative “first refusal”. Boaz is not set on his course. So Ruth remained at his feet and left early in the morning so that no one would recognise her. Boaz wanted things to remain private for the time being so that there would not be any gossip. He also gave Ruth six measures of barley to take home.


On returning home Naomi asked how things had gone, and Ruth told her all that Boaz had said and done, including the six measures of barley. Naomi assures Ruth that Boaz will act quickly, and to wait patiently.

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