
Thursday 11 April 2024

Acts 21:22-26 - What shall we do?


They raised this issue not because they were concerned about the matter itself, but because they saw that it could create problems. They then make a suggestion. They suggested that Paul went along with four men who had made a vow. The idea is that this would demonstrate that Paul was not against the Law as such. Indeed, Paul himself had no problem with observing the Law.


Furthermore, Paul would pay the expenses of the four men. This would enable them to have their heads shaved. So people would see that Paul was “living in obedience to the Law”. The Jewish believers then remind Paul of the earlier decision of the Jerusalem Council, though I doubt that Paul needed reminding. The plan made sense and was made with good intentions. As we shall see it didn’t quite work out that way. Does this mean the plan was wrong? Not necessarily. We know that through a long and convoluted path Paul ended up in Rome. God’s will was worked out all the same. Sometimes we make plans and things work out as we expect, but other times we make plans and things do not work out as expected. This does not necessarily mean the plan was wrong, just that God had other ideas than we had. Of course, sometimes our plans are wrong. The key thing we should check is the condition of our hearts. Are we hard-hearted? If we are, then we are in trouble and need to repent quickly. If not, then we can trust that God will lead us. So Paul went along with the suggestion and fulfilled all the requirements of the Jewish Law.

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