
Wednesday 3 April 2024

Judges 19:22-25 - Bring out the man who came to your house


Things now take a very nasty turn. Indeed what happens is a little reminiscent of Lot’s experience in Sodom and Gomorrah (Gen 19). They called for the old man to send out the Levite so that they could have sex with him. So as well as just being completely wrong, it also violates the Law on homosexuality. The old man refuses to do this, not wanting to treat a guest like that. But then he offers his virgin daughter, and the Levite’s concubine. Inviting them to do whatever they wish with the two women. This is appalling. It is, of course, against the Law as well. But we are seeing the description of a lawless society.


The men were not for listening. So the man Levite threw his concubine out to the men. So far it has seemed as if the Levite does care for his concubine, but now his action is utterly appalling. He may have done this out of fear, out of not wanting to cause trouble for the old man, or just because he considered his concubine to be of no worth at all. The men then raped and abused her all night long. As an aside, note that initially the men wanted the LEvite so they could have sex with him, they ended up raping the concubine instead. Men can, at least in some cases, switch from homosexual to heterosexual behaviour. They were motivated by unrestrained lust.

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