
Friday 5 April 2024

Acts 20:28-31 - Savage wolves will come


Paul is speaking to the elders, the overseers. Paul has taught them the full truth, now they must make sure that they, in turn, teach the whole truth to their churches. They are to be shepherds of the flock, remembering that it is “the church of God, which He bought with His own blood”. We must never think it is “our church” in the sense that it belongs to us. It is right and proper to think of it as “our church” in the sense that we are part of it, that we are committed to it, but the church we are part of belongs to Christ, He bought it with His blood. Note that they were also to look after themselves, we can be so engrossed in looking after others that we forget to watch ourselves.


Paul now gives them a severe warning, “savage wolves will come”. They would come in among them seeking to devour the flock. Some would rise up from the church itself, distorting the truth. This is something that happens all too often today. These men, whether from within or without, will seek to draw people away from the truth.. So what is the response to all this to be? It is to be on guard. Paul had spent three years with them, and this time included many warnings, it wasn’t all nicey, nicey teaching.

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