
Saturday 6 April 2024

Acts 20:32-38 - I commit you to God and to the word of His grace


Paul committed them to “God and the word of His grace”. This is how we are to respond when difficulties lie ahead. Whether it be difficult circumstances, or false teachings. We are to trust in God,and to be guided and strengthened by His word. God and His word can equip us and see us through all circumstances.


There were plenty of itinerant teachers and others who sought only to make money out of people. Paul had never done anything like that. Instead he supplied his own needs, largely through tentmaking. Instead of seeking for himself, he sought to help the weak. Because Paul was so strong in the faith we may think he was dismissive of those who were not as strong, but this was not the case. We must never allow the gifts that we have to make us proud. Paul then quotes words from Jesus that are not found in the gospels themselves, but ring true as genuine words of Jesus, “It is more blessed to give than to receive”.


After he had finished speaking, which probably went on for some time, Paul knelt down with all of them and prayed. He was one with them in needing the grace of God in his life. All we do is done in the grace of God. The departure was very emotional. The Ephesians were not attached to Paul merely because he was a great teacher or because of miracles. To use a common phrase today, their relationship was not merely “transactional”. There was a heart bond between them as well.

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