
Tuesday 2 April 2024

Acts 20:7-16 - Paul kept talking until midnight


They all arrived in Troas. Paul intended to spend only a short time there, so he gave them a very long teaching! He was speaking until midnight. One young man was seated by a window, fell asleep and fell out of the window. He was probably not the only one who nodded off, but he was in a particularly deep sleep. He fell from a third floor window, and was “picked up dead”. Paul went down and threw himself on Eutychus, somewhat Elijah or Elisha like. He then pronounced him not dead,but alive. It is not absolutely clear whether or not he had actually died. The situation could be read either way, but his being dead seems marginally the more likely. Anyway, Paul continued speaking until daylight! Notice the importance of breaking bread (20:7 and 20:11). Paul then left.


Why does Luke give us such detailed accounts of the journeys? Luke had an interest in the historical accuracy and validity of his accounts, as he makes clear at the beginning of his gospel (Lk 1:3,4). Paul went past Ephesus, being keen to get to Jerusalem quickly.

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