
Sunday 18 February 2024

Acts 14:21-28 - They preached the gospel in that city


Having arrived in Derbe they preached the gospel. It is the duty and purpose of the church to preach the gospel. There may be many other things that we do, but preaching the gospel must be foremost. They then returned to Iconium, via Lystra and Iconium.  So they revisited some of the places they had already been to, and strengthened and encouraged the disciples there. They urged them to remain “true to the faith. Becoming a disciple of Jesus was not an easy option, they would face much opposition, as do Christians today in many countries. Even in the West it is becoming harder to be a Christian, though not yet to anything like the extent that it is in some places. They told them “We must go through many hardships to enter the kingdom of God”, they did not preach a “prosperity gospel”.


Paul and Barnabas appointed elders. Some form of church organisation was established at a fairly early stage. There was not a rigid structure, but the concept of elders was there more or less from the beginning. They were appointed with “prayer and fasting”, and were committed to the Lord. Paul and Barnabas continued on their way, and continued preaching the word.


They then sailed back to Antioch from Attalia. The church there was already showing some maturity in praying for Paul and Barnabas and committing them “to the grace of God”.  Paul and Barnabas then gave a full report to the church in Antioch, telling about all that God had done and how “a door of faith” had been opened to the Gentiles. They then remained with the disciples in Antioch for a long time.

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