
Tuesday 26 October 2021

John 1:40-44 - Follow me


We are now told that one of the two disciples was Andrew. He is introduced as Simon Peter’s brother, no doubt because Peter was far more well known than Andrew. After having spent time with Jesus Andrew tells his brother that “we have found the Messiah”, and then brings his brother to Jesus. This is often used as a prototype for evangelism. There are two key features here. The first is that Andrew had met Jesus, the second that he was excited about Jesus. Effective evangelism springs out of a relationship with Jesus.

Jesus tells Simon that he will be called Cephas (i.e Peter), which means “the rock”. We all know the famous incident where Peter declares that Jesus is the Christ (Matt 16:16). We should note that Peter had already heard his brother say that Jesus was the Christ. Jesus then tells Peter that “on this rock I will build my church” (Matt 16:18). In that incident Jesus starts by calling Peter “Simon son of Jonah” (Matt 16:17), perhaps reminding him of his first encounter with the Lord.


Jesus now acquires two more disciples, Philip and Nathaniel. Back in John 1:11,12 we read that His own did not receive Him, but to those who did He gave the right to be children of God. So we see on Andrew, Peter, Philip and Nathaniel examples of those who did receive Him. The NIV and ESV reads as if Jesus is the one who decided to go to Galilee, and that He found Philip. Carson argues that the “decided” could actually apply to Andrew, and that Andrew found Philip and brought him to Jesus. His argument relies on it being a possible translation of the Greek, and that everyone else who came to Jesus was brought by someone else. This would be consistent with the whole tenor of the book, but cannot be proved beyond reasonable doubt. Whatever the case, Jesus tells Philip to follow Him. 

John tells us more about Philip than any of the other gospel writers (6:6ff; 12:21,22; 14:8,9). It may be that John had continued contact with Philip later in life.

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