
Wednesday 20 October 2021

Genesis 6:13-17 - I am going to bring floodwaters


One of the features of the Bible is that we find that God tells His people what He is going to do. Here he tells Noah, later on He tells Abraham about His plans for Sodom and Gomorrah (Gen 18:17), and In John 15:15 Jesus tells the disciples that He no longer calls them servants but friends, because He has made known to them everything He has learned from the Father. So God tells Noah that He is going to put an end to all people on earth. And He tells Noah the reason, their evil has filled the earth with violence.


So Noah is told to build an ark, and he is given instructions on how to do it. The instructions are fairly broad brush. The overall dimensions are 135m long, 23m wide and 14m high. It was also to have 3 levels, and was well water-proofed. 


God outlines the destructiveness of the flood. As an aside, there is a lesson here for us about interpreting words like “all” and “every”. In this verse God says “every creature” will be destroyed, “everything will perish”. Clearly this is not the case as the God preserved Noa and his family, as the next verse says, along with two of every kind of animal.

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