
Friday 21 May 2021

Revelation 2:1 - To the angel of the church in Ephesus


We now get the first of the letters to the seven churches. Some have seen these letters as a pure literary device to facilitate teaching. Some even see them as representing seven ages of the church. This latter view really is a rather silly approach. For one thing it would render most of the letters as of limited significance for much of church history, and we have no idea when the final end times will be. Jesus may return in our lifetime, it could be another million years! No, I cannot imagine how it could be a million years either, but the limits of our imagination are not a good guide to interpreting the Bible! It is far more sensible to take the letters as letters directed at the churches named, but with lessons for all the churches, both then, and at all points in history.

Ephesus was the major city in the region. Pergamum was the official capital, but Ephesus was the greatest city. It was a centre of idol worship, with Artemis being the primary focus of worship.

The letters all follow a similar pattern. The letter is addressed to the angel of the relevant city, then a title is attributed to Jesus. Next there is something said about the church (“I know your deeds ...”) In most cases there is a warning, and a commendation. Finally, an exhortation and a promise. The first and last churches receive the most severe warnings. Numbers 2 and 6 are doing rather well, and the middle three are, well, middling, with some good and some bad.

To Ephesus Christ introduces Himself as the one who holds the seven stars in His right hand, and walks among the churches. Rome was not the real power, Christ is the head of the church.

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