
Sunday 16 May 2021

Revelation 1:9-11 - I was in the Spirit


Like Isaiah and Ezekiel, John received a vision of the Lord. In all cases a fundamental element is the glory of the Lord. In Isaiah’s case there was also an emphasis on the cleansing from sin, signified by the burning coal. This was a key element of Isaiah’s ministry, as, in particular in chapters 40 onwards, the focus is on how a righteous God could possibly bless such an unrighteous people. In Ezekiel’s case the emphasis is more on the power and almightiness of God. Here the emphasis is on the centrality of Jesus Christ. 

John introduces himself as “your brother and companion in the suffering and kingdom and patient endurance that are ours in Jesus. Paul usually introduced himself as an apostle, as this was key to the teaching he was going to be giving. John wants to emphasise his unity with the people he is writing to. “We are all in it together” is John’s motive. Suffering, kingdom and endurance in Christ all go together. We will suffer, we do have a kingdom, and we do need to endure. 

John himself was suffering, being exiled to the island of Patmos “because of the word of God and the testimony of Jesus”. John would be urging the people to keep going with Jesus, and John was an example of doing this.


John was “in the Spirit”. He was praying and received communication from God. You can see where the seven churches were in most books on Revelation, or by an internet search, eg The voice of God was a loud voice, like a trumpet. This was not to be a gentle word, but a loud declarative word, a powerful word intended to strengthen the church for the battle. 

John was to write down what he saw and send it to the seven churches. Just as the message was for the whole church in the area, it is for the church throughout the world.

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