
Monday 21 June 2021

Revelation 5:9,10 - You have made them to be a kingdom and priests


There is now a new song. Because of the cross things have changed. And we are told why they have changed. Why was the Lamb worthy to open the scroll? Because He was slain and with His blood (i.e. with His death on the cross) He has “purchased for God people from every tribe and language and people and nation”. The atonement is central to all God’s plans being fulfilled. People who deny the atonement aspect of the cross, in fact whose who deny the centrality of the atonement aspect, really are utter fools. Everything hinges on the atonement. There are many other thighs that flow from this, but Jesus paying for our sins is the foundation of it all. The global reach of the cross is also central to God’s plans. Back in Gen 12:3 we read that all peoples on earth will be blessed through Abraham. People from all over the world belong to God. Later on we will see the counterfeit of this with the Beast demanding worship from all peoples.


It isn’t just a matter of “saving” people, we are saved for a purpose. Yes we do need to be saved. We need to be forgiven, we need our debt of sin to be cleared, but that is just the start. Right back in Genesis God created us to have dominion over the earth, to look after the places. We are “saved” so that we can fulfil God’s purpose for our lives, both as individuals and as a race. So Jesus bought a people “to be a kingdom and priests to serve our God, and they will reign on the earth”. Jesus makes us a kingdom and priests. And we will reign on the earth. Being saved is not just a matter of “going to heaven”. This earth will pass away, but there will be a new heaven and a new earth, and we have a purpose on that earth.

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