
Monday 7 June 2021

Ezekiel 37:11,12 - I am going to open your graves


God then tells Ezekiel who the bones are, they are the people of Israel. This would include both the northern and southern kingdoms. They were divided, but in God’s plans they were one. They felt to be in a hopeless situation, and this was a very reasonable assumption to make, “but God”. God breathes life into the hopeless, into those who are beyond the pale. This is what our God does. “our bones are dried up ...” seems to have been a phrase that people were using of their situation, which is why God gave this vision of what He was going to do. We need to realise that natural man can be incredibly stupid. And that includes you and me when we are led by the flesh rather than the Spirit. We can be stupid when we think we are all powerful, we have got everything under control. We can be qually stupid when we think all is lost and is completely hopeless. We need to live by faith and the word of God. 


“I am going to open your graves ...” This could be taken as looking forward to the resurrection. Some say it does. others say it isn’t and is concerned with the return to Israel. As is often the case with OT prophecy there is both a temporal fulfilment and an ultimate fulfilment, the temporal fulfilment pointing forward to the eternal fulfilment and demonstrating that God’s words are true. So they thought that situation was hopeless, but it was not. They would indeed return to Israel, it happened! Ultimately we will be raised from the dead.

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