
Tuesday 15 December 2020

Matthew 22:15-17 - Is it right to pay the imperial tax?


This section is one of the most famous in Matthew. The Pharisees and Herodians were normally sworn enemies, but here they had united in their plans to trap Jesus. Both saw Jesus as a threat to their position in society. They are using flattery in their approach to Jesus (22:16). This shows both that they had noticed something from Jesus’ teaching, and that they actually understood nothing at all. Flattery was never going to work with Jesus! The trap was that they thought that whatever Jesus said He would anger one side or the other. If advocated paying taxes then the people would hate Him, because they hated the Roman occupation. If He was against paying taxes then the Roman authorities would be against Him and probably arrest Him for rebelling. This is also why both the Pharisees and Herodians were there. If He spoke against paying taxes the Herodians would report Him to Pilate. If He was for taxes the Pharisees would report this to the people.

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