
Tuesday 27 January 2015

Revelation 17:14-18 - The truth about man

Man makes war on the Lamb, but this is futile (see Psalm 2). The Lamb will conquer them, for He is the Lord of lords and King of kings. We who belong to Him are "called, chosen and faithful". 
We then see the prostitute is seated on all peoples, nations and languages. The whole world is in rebellion against God, and the beast exercises its power built upon this rebellion. However, this ungodly Kingdom has within it the seeds of its own destruction. Hatred and division lie within and this will lead to her downfall.
We see the out working of this throughout history. The Nazis were immensely powerful, but it's defeat stemmed from the evil within. The same happened with the Soviet empire. The power loving, the self-contradition within, the corruption, led to its collapse. The Roman Empire collapsed. We see it within all human institutions. Many start off with good intentions, but ultimately become corrupt or moribund. We even see the same within Christian denominations and groupings. Historically every Christian organisation dies, except the church of Christ. 
Conversely, within the Trinity there is perfect unity and self-giving. And of His kingdom there will be no end. Now this does not mean that we shouldn't have any human institutions, or any Christian organisations. But we need to recognise their place in the great scheme of things. They are here for a time, will serve a purpose, but will ultimately pass away. We must not make an idol out of them. One day the perfect will come.
Note finally that all this is part of the will of God. It is all part of His plan.

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