
Sunday 18 January 2015

Revelation 13:1-10 - The Beast out of the Sea, the beast in the West

There have been numerous attempts to identify the beast, these are mostly futile. The book of Daniel has similar imagery to what we find hear. In Daniel we are told explicitly that the visions referred to four specific kingdoms, and then told of the end times. Here we are given no explicit reference to any individual, or particular kingdom. So I would take it that we should not waste our time trying to identify who this beast is referring to. The Roman empire undoubtedly had many characteristics of the beast, it is equally certain that Rome is not the final embodiment of the beast. Likewise many kingdoms and dictators have come and gone, some of them having many beastlike features, such as the Nazis or Stalinist Russia.
The beast represents the embodiment of Satan's power. It is characterised by blasphemy, setting itself up against God. Now what did that mean in John's day and what does it say to us today? The Roman empire demanded ultimate allegiance. Saying "Jesus is Lord" was an act of defiance against "Caesar is Lord". The state demanded ultimate worship. Now look at what is happening in our Western Society. God is being pushed to the margins. Not only is society simply ignoring Christian influence, it is positively rejecting it, even outlawing it. Homosexuality is a sin, the Bible clearly states this, yet society is going to increasingly extreme lengths to demand that we do not just tolerate homosexuality, but that we positively celebrate it. There are many beastlike features in our society today.
The world was filled with wonder at the beast and worshipped it. Just as most people happily go along with what society demands.
The reference to the wound that was healed may be a reference to Nero. There was a belief that Nero was so evil that he couldn't just have died. Evil empires and rulers have a habit of seeming to be beaten only to bounce back. 
So the beast slandered God, just as our society is increasingly blaspheming God. Note then that the beast was given power to make war against the God's people and to conquer them. The beast was given global power. But the people whose name is in the book of life did not worship him.
Verses 9 and 10 then sum up the attitude we must have. We need great patience and endurance, because very difficult times lie ahead. There is no easy victory, but we will remain faithful to the Lord.

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