
Tuesday 27 December 2022

Numbers 1:44-54 - The ancestral tribe of the Levites


The census was carried out by Moses and Aaron and a leader from each of the tribes. Given the numbers it probably means that they oversaw the counting, rather than actually doing all the work themselves. We are then reminded of the purpose, and given the total number. God did not just rescue the people and drag them along, or at least that was not His purpose. The amount of complaining they did demonstrates that to a large extent they had to be dragged along. But God’s purpose was to rescue the people and build them into an effective unit. It is the same with salvation today. Salvation is not just about being forgiven and healed, we are set free for a purpose.


The Levites were treated differently, for they had a different purpose. They were to be in charge of the tabernacle. In church life we need people to do the practical things, we also need people to attend to the “spiritual” things (I am just using the term “spiritual” very loosely here, anything done for God is “spiritual”) such as prayer, worship and teaching. Both are important.

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