
Friday 2 December 2022

Leviticus 24:1-4 - That a light may be kept burning


The words “The Lord said to Moses” introduce a new section. This starts with instructions about olive oil. The oil was to be used to ensure that the lamps in the tabernacle burnt continually. Aaron was to tend these lamps continually. The phrase “this is to be a lasting ordinance” seems at first glance rather strange. For Aaron would not be there for ever, and it refers specifically to Aaron, rather than priests in general. Moreover, the tabernacle would be replaced by the temple, though the temple would still have the most holy place. However, perhaps the emphasis is on continual service to the Lord. I am reminded of the parable of the wise and foolish virgins, and its reference to keeping the lamps burning. Moreover we are to pray at all times, and to keep our zeal at all times. There is an emphasis here on purity. The oil was to be clear, and the lamps were on pure golf lampstands.

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