
Monday 3 August 2020

Matthew 7:26-29 - Building upon sand

If we hear the words of Jesus and do not put them into practice, then we are very foolish. We are like a man who built his house on sand, with no foundations. Think of the common atheist approach to life which says that everything came about by chance, and that we are our own masters. If we do that then we have no foundations. When the storms come, when we start to fail, we have nowhere to look but ourselves. We know that that won’t work, so we start to look for anything and everything to help us. This can lead to a massive crash. But we make Christ our sure foundation.


The sermon now comes to an end, and we can be pretty sure that what we have here is a summary of the things that Jesus said. Jesus has been talking about what we should do. Now we get the response of the crowds, for Jesus was teaching not just His disciples, but the crowds as well. And they were impressed, because He spoke as one with authority, unlike to what they were used to hearing. How do we become teachers or preachers with authority? We trust in Jesus and we seek to act like Jesus, to be people of integrity.

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