
Saturday 1 August 2020

Jeremiah 15:19-21 - If you repent, I will restore you


We now get God’s response, and He doesn’t answer Jeremiah’s complaint directly, rather He tells him to get his act together! “If you repent, I will restore you that you may serve me”. Earlier I said we can argue with God, but we will always lose and we will need to change, and this is good news. Jeremiah’s thinking was wrong and demonstrated a lack of understanding. Sometimes when God does not answer our prayers, it is not a lack of faith but a lack of understanding. There is also a warning: “if you utter worthy, not unworthy, words, you will be my spokesman”. Jeremiah had been talking rubbish! 

“Let this people turn to you, but you must not turn to them.” Oh how often the church fails this test, and how stupid we are when we do. The world is not wise, worldly wisdom is foolishness. 

God then encourages Jeremiah, with words similar to those He gave him at his calling. “I will make you a wall ...” The task was indeed difficult, with much opposition, but God would rescue him. This is God’s promise to Jeremiah, and to us. “They will not overcome you.” Why, because God would be with him and would rescue him. The promise is not no difficulties, but God rescuing us. This is what brings freedom.

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