
Thursday 20 August 2020

Jeremiah 19:10-15 - Break the jar


Jeremiah is then to smash the jar to pieces. The hearers are to be in no doubt about the destruction that is coming. It is not a matter of a little overhaul of the system, a wee tweak here and there. The system is utterly corrupt and needs a complete restart. To put that in theological terms, we suffer from “total depravity”, not meaning we never do anything right, but that sin has utterly corrupted us, and we need to be born again. As with most things wrong with Israel and Judah, idol worship lay at the heart of it all. This can apply to us as well. Whenever we make an idol of something, even if that something is good in itself, then we are in deep trouble.


Jeremiah then returned from Topheth and stood in the court of the temple and proclaimed to all the people the destruction that God was going to bring upon the place. This would happen because the people were stiff-necked and refused to respond to the words of the Lord, which had been sent on many occasions.

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