
Saturday 8 December 2018

Zechariah 3:3-5 - Remove the filthy garments from him.

So Joshua is literally as guilty as sin. Satan has solid grounds for his accusations, just as he has solid grounds for many of his accusations against us (though not all!). We can also picture Jesus here, for He took our sins upon Himself. Jesus was clothed in our sin! So how could Joshua in all conscience serve as high priest, how could our sin be taken away? The next verses will answer this question.

We are not getting a picture of atonement here, but more of sanctification, of imputed righteousness. Many things happened on the cross, and it is important that we do not expect every picture of the cross to cover all aspects. Similarly, because one explanation or vision of the cross does not cover a particular aspect does not mean that that aspect is not part of the cross. The vision here is focusing on the effect on Joshua, and by extension on us. Through the cross our filthy garments are taken away, our sin is taken away. We are no longer clothed in sin. But that is not the end of the matter. Our sin is taken away and in its place we are clothed with “pure vestments”.  It is perhaps significant that it says “I will clothe you ..”, looking at sanctification as a process, though that may just me reading things back in to the text. If look at it as a more immediate action, then it is Christ’s righteousness being imputed to us.


The high priest wore a turban. So Joshua is still fulfilling the role of the high priest, but he is being given clear garments, including a clean turban, to wear.

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