
Friday 14 December 2018

Galatians - Introduction (2)

Relevant Passages in Acts

The Jew-Gentile problem recurred in many places and times. The following is a list of the relevant passages in Acts, which can help us to appreciate the nature of the problem.
Acts 10     The conversion of the first Gentile.
Acts 11:1-18 Peter explains his actions in converting Cornelius.
Acts 15:1-35 The Council of Jerusalem, when it was decided whether or not Gentiles needed to be circumcised.
Acts 22:17-26  Paul meets James on his return to Jerusalem. Illustrates some of the tension caused by Paul’s mission to the Gentiles.

Opening Sections in New Testament Letters

The opening verses in all the New Testament letters follow are similar pattern, though with some variations from letter to letter. The following notes explain the most important features.
The letters we write have the format:
Dear ….
Yours sincerely,
In New Testament times the common format was :
    From A to B, Greetings….
This was often followed by a short prayer. In personal letters expressions of warmth or appreciation were often added (you can find these in many of Paul’s letters). Paul followed the general pattern of the day, though with some modifications. These modifications were often related to the circumstances that had initiated the letter.

Content of the Letter

Galatians is one of the most famous letters of Paul, and one whose Pauline authorship is virtually unquestioned. It was instrumental in the life of Martin Luther. The letter includes narrative (chapters 1 & 2), deep theology (chapters 3 & 4) and practical application (chapters 5 & 6), and all these interact with each other. And, although I have split the three aspects into certain chapters, each chapter contains elements of the other aspects. In particular, theology influences everything.

Galatians is not so much about how to be saved, but having been saved, how then should we live. It is about how to live by faith.

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