
Saturday 24 December 2016

A virgin birth - no surprise there then

It is common amongst sceptics to consider the virgin birth as ridiculous and totally impossible. Such thinking misses the point, but we as Christians often miss the point as well. The real miracle of Christmas, the most amazing thing, is that God came to dwell amongst us as a man. God, the creator of the universe came to live with us as a man. Just think about what an amazing and wonderful thing that is. If that is what happened then there is no surprise at the birth being unusual. For this was no normal conception. It seems perfectly natural that no seed of man was involved, in fact it doesn’t even seem necessary for there to have been any human egg cell involved either. It seems to me more likely that the Holy Spirit implanted an embryo whole. However, these last few bits are somewhat speculative. Whatever the means, I find nothing the least bit surprising nor unbelievable about the virgin birth at all. Indeed, anything else would be a surprise. 
But what about God becoming man? Is that surprising? Well again, I would say not really. We were created in His image. We fearfully and wonderfully made, sadly we chose to rebel against God, a rebellion that has been in full swing ever since. Sin utterly corrupted our nature and made us subject to all sorts of things. When we see ourselves or other people we see a person corrupted by sin. Jesus came to save us. Above all else this involved paying the price for our sins upon the cross and being raised from the dead. But it involves many other things as well. When we see Jesus we see what we were meant to be like, we see what a man is like when he lives his life in complete trust, love and obedience to the Father. We see the nature of such a man, and we see the power and authority of such a man. We also see what our destiny is, to be like Jesus (1 John 3:2; Rom 8:17,30). 
If you look at the world’s view of humanity it is a very impoverished view indeed. Some say we are nothing more than the result of random events. Some say we are not really different from animals and of no greater value than animals. Others say we are completely at the mercy of our instincts and desires, unable to exercise self-control. This is the impoverished view of humanity that the world offers, and see the consequences of such views all around us. 
God has a much higher view of humanity. He sees just how wonderful you and I can be. He sees someone who can live a life of perfect love, someone able to exercise authority properly (ie to bring honour to God and to bring good to man). In order for that vision to be realised He had to send His Son to live amongst us, to suffer on our behalf, but then to be raised to new life with all power and authority. In order for us to share in that vision we need to repent, to admit our guilt and our need of a saviour. 
Two thousand years ago that Saviour came to earth, and there is no surprise there either, for God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son that none should perish, but have eternal life (John 3:16). Let the only surprise be in ourselves when we discover what life can really be like, what we can really be like when we humble ourselves and accept the true gift of Christmas. 

 Merry Christmas to you all.

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