
Tuesday 20 December 2016

2 Peter 2:15-17 - Springs without water

Peter likens the false teachers to Balaam. We can read about Balaam in Numbers 22-24, and the story is rather off in some ways. He was a man who heard from God, but his motives were at best questionable. His heart seemed to be a mixture. It was motivated by money, getting a reward for what he did, but then he did hear from God and acted upon it. But as the story progresses he becomes increasingly proud. Remember that Jesus said not everyone who prophesies will enter the kingdom of God (Matt 7:21-23). Peter has a very low view of Balaam, referring to his madness. Balaam had to be restrained by a donkey speaking to him. The condition of hearts matters, and is far more important than any cleverness that we might have.

These people claim to have knowledge, to have something worthwhile, but they are in fact springs without water, they yield nothing good. They are mists driven by a storm. All they do is obscure the truth. They bring darkness and darkness will be their destiny. Yet again we should note the no-nonsense approach taken by the New Testament to false teachers, to day we are far too ready to be gentle with such people.

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