
Monday 26 December 2016

2 Peter 3:8,9 - A thousand years is like a day

This verse is crucial to understanding God’s workings, or at least to being fully aware of the limitations of our own understanding. The quote itself comes from Psalm 90:4. God is beyond time, He is eternal. He created time, which, as an aside, puts the kibosh on silly debates about the age of the universe, He created the universe and everything in it in no time at all because He also created time. Yet He works within time. There are times when God seems to be take an inordinate length of time to do things, such as the return of Christ. There are times when He seems to act with unbelievable rapidity. So how are we to respond to this? We trust God’s word and make His word the foundation of our lives, not our limited understanding of how things should be done. 

The Lord has a purpose in mind, and it is a purpose of bringing salvation to people. Judgement will come when judgement must come, but God will give everyone the full opportunity to repent. So it is vital in our understanding of life that we see that leading people to repentance is God’s top priority, for then they can receive forgiveness and new life. People often raise questions about hell and whether it is fair that people are condemned to hell for eternity. We need have no fear. God is completely just and completely merciful. People are given full opportunity to repent.

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