
Tuesday 13 December 2016

2 Peter 2:1,2 - False teachers

Peter has just been speaking about the inspiration of the Old Testament, or the Scriptures as it was to them. But in OT times there were false prophets, so it should be no surprise that there are false teachers now. Examples in the Old Testament include Hananiah (Jer 28) who opposed Jeremiah, and the false prophets around at the time of Micaiah (1 Kings 20). These people introduce “destructive heresies”. Today most churches treat false teachers far too leniently, many even welcoming them. We need to be aware that their teachings are destructive. They are not just “interesting ideas”. They even deny the Lord who bought them. So-called Christians who deny the sovereignty of Christ are perhaps the worst. If Jesus is not Lord what are their grounds for thinking they are saved? Of course, many of them don’t actually see a need to be saved!

Depraved behaviour follows false teaching. The two may go together right from the outset, or the depraved behaviour may follow on some time after the false teaching. In the present sexual revolution debates, there are some who right from the start just wanted to justify their behaviour, but others who are now supporters of this revolution started by forgetting or denying the authority of Scripture. It is impossible to respect the authority of the Bible and to condone homosexual behaviour as acceptable.
Their behaviour also brings the gospel into disrepute. This is particularly true of proponents of the so-called prosperity gospel.

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