
Wednesday 7 December 2016

2 Peter 1:8,9 - Being effective and productive

The false teachers would claim to be adding something to the faith of their targets. Peter now says that the things he has been talking about are what will truly make us effective and productive. Note that we are to possess them in increasing measure. We hopefully have these virtues to some measure, but we need to have them to an even greater measure. “In your knowledge of Jesus Christ” it almost certainly a counter to the gnostic type teaching. They emphasised knowledge, Peter emphasises Christ. In churches we have a habit of following programmes or systems in an attempt to be more effective and productive. The goal and motivation are laudable, but if they become the basis then we will actually get nowhere. If we want true effectiveness and fruitfulness then we need faith, goodness, knowledge, self-control, perseverance, brotherly kindness and love.


Jesus said that by their fruit shall you know them (Matt 7:16), and Peter has firm words here for those who do not bear the fruit he has been talking about. The Greek word translated “nearsighted” can also mean to blink or to shut ones eyes. If this meaning is used then it fits better with Peter calling them blind. They have chosen to close their eyes to the truth and so do not see. Such people have forgotten that they have been cleansed or purged of their past sins. Coming to Christ involves repenting and believing. It is coming to Christ to be saved from our sins, or else we are not saved at all. It most definitely is not about getting away with sin!

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