
Wednesday 21 December 2016

2 Peter 2:18,19 - Empty words

The false teachers sound confident and seek to project the impression that they know what they are speaking about. The same is true today, false teachers will claim to have superior knowledge and insight. They appeal to the flesh. In some cases this can mean appealing to base sexual desires, ie claiming that something that the Bible explicitly forbids is actually OK. People may just be starting to recognise that their ways are wrong and are starting to turn to God, but some heretical teaching can pull them back into a destructive lifestyle. False teaching is not just wrong, it is dangerous and is harmful to people.


False teachers often promise freedom, a freedom from what they claim are our misunderstandings, or simplistic understanding, of the past. What they teach will just bring slavery, and the false teachers themselves are enslaved. “For whatever overcomes a person, to that he is enslaved”, or as Jesus said, whoever sins is a slave to sin. We are not talking about mere arguments here, the truth matters. Truth will set us free, but falsehood leads to enslavement.

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