
Thursday 29 December 2016

2 Peter 3:17,18 - You have been warned

There have been and always will be false teachers, so we need to be on our guard. Jesus, Paul, Peter and John all warn about false teachers, so we should not be surprised. Instead we are to be alert and wise. Notice the description of the false teachers and of our position. The false teachers are lawless. Remember also that in 2 Thessalonians Paul speaks about the man of lawlessness. False teachers are acting as agents of the devil, albeit probably unwittingly. Conversely we are in a secure position. What fools we would be to abandon our secure position and go to the world’s position. Yet this is precisely what much of the church is doing over the debates on sexual morality. The fools seem to think it is a wise and right thing to go over to the world’s immorality. The world also makes threats against those who stick to God’s ways, but we are far more secure, far wiser, to trust in God and stick with Him than to give in to the world.


Instead of falling away we should grow in the knowledge and grace of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, Just consider the ways the world wants to take you. If you go that way will you know Jesus any better? Will you receive any more grace from Him? Or will you be throwing away the grace He has already given you? The glory belongs to Christ, both now and forever. You can just imagine Peter exulting in this. We worship and follow the king of king and Lord of Lords. What a privileged position to be in! Amen indeed!

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