
Tuesday 4 July 2023

Hebrews 4:6,7 - Today if you hear His voice


The writer now makes two points. The first is that it is still possible to enter God’s rest. The initial disobedience of Adam and Eve, and the later disobedience of the Israelites, did not mean that it was no longer possible to enter God’s rest. The promise still remained. The second point is that those who failed to enter it, failed because of their disobedience. God sets the rules, He determines how we can enter His rest, and that is by faith in His Son.


The writer again quotes Ps 95:7,8, and makes a generalisation of the term “today”. “Today” is the time when we hear God calling, and God is calling to all of us through the gospel.  The promise still stands but we must not harden our hearts. Hardening our hearts is the greatest risk that we face. We can wilfully refuse to believe. We can see this in some people who have no interest in looking at the gospel. In the Bible we see it in the hearts of the Pharisees and the other religious leaders.

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