
Thursday 21 July 2022

Exodus 20:13-17 - You shall not murder


We then get a list of very straightforward commands. Do not murder, do not commit adulteyr, do not steal, do not bear false witness. While most societies would agree with these commands, even so they are all under attack. Abortion is seen as a human right and is even celebrated! There are moves to allow the “mercy” killing of those who suffer. Netherlands, Belgium and Canada are furthest down this road. Adultery is probably still seen as wrong, but is also often justified. Stealing is even sometimes justified, if you are stealing from the right people. Lying is endemic among politicians and institutions.


Paul used coveting as an example of how sin works (Rom 7:7,8). Coveting is not admiring what someone has, but seeing what someone else has and wanting it for ourselves, even to the point of taking it from the person who has it. It is the root of many other sins.

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