
Tuesday 7 June 2022

John 16:14-16 - He will glorify me


“He will glorify me”. This is the fundamental purpose of the Spirit, to glorify the Son. “for He will take what is mine and declare it to you”. “Glory” has two aspects to it. One is that of splendour, the sort of thing that is seen at the transfiguration, the other is that of significance. The Spirit will reveal the full importance and significance of Jesus and what He has done. He reveals who Jesus is.


“All that the Father has is mine”. The Father and the Son are united, and the Son is fully God. So when the Spirit takes what is Christ’s and declares it to us, He is also declaring all that is the Father’s. Jesus is the full and complete revelation of God.


“A little while and you will see me no longer; and again a little while, and you will see me”. There is some debate about whether this applies to the cross and resurrection, the coming of the Holy Spirit, or the Second Coming. Given the context the cross and resurrection seems the most obvious meaning and is the one we will take.

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