
Saturday 20 November 2021

John 3:19-21 - But people loved darkness


Often we approach evangelism as if people will naturally want to believe in Jesus, and if they don’t then it is our fault. So we should then change our approach, so the argument goes, and this often means watering down the gospel, not talking about sin over much. Have you noticed that the Bible is quite happy to talk about sin? Jesus is quite happy to talk about sin. This approach is all wrong , and is based on a false premise. The natural state of man is to want to avoid the light of God. People prefer to stay in the dark, for the light exposes what we are really like. So is the situation hopeless? Is evangelism a waste of time? No. The correct conclusion to draw is that it is the power of the Holy Spirit who can change the heart of a man or woman, who can open their eyes to the truth, and can see the true grace of God in Christ Jesus. Man’s natural state is to love the darkness.


These two verses contrast the difference between those who stay in the darkness and those who come into the light. Those who do evil hate the light because they fear it will expose the reality of what they do, it will expose the true nature of their deeds. Now note that those who come into the light are not contrasted by the righteousness of their lives. The common characteristic of most religions is between those who are good and those who are evil and it is by human effort that one becomes good. Not so with the gospel. To continue in our evil ways, to live without God is to live a lie, it is to deny the truth. If we live by the truth we will come into the light. This will expose our sinfulness, but also the grace and forgiveness of God. We will have come into God’s light. The difference is not between those who sin and those who do not, but between those who stay in the darkness and those who come into the light of God in Christ Jesus.

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