
Sunday 26 September 2021

Genesis 2:21-25 - They were both naked and were not ashamed


Again there is the question of whether to take this literally or allegorically. I honestly don’t think it matters. No one is created that way anymore, what counts are the lessons we can learn from the account here. The most important thing is the unity and diversity. Men and women are different but equal. Also God deliberately created the woman, and deliberately created her as a companion for the man. Trans ideology is utterly ungodly and should be rejected. Now this equality and diversity does not mean that every societal norm about the differences between men and women is good. Sometimes societies prohibit, or make difficult, some roles or tasks in societies for one gender or the other. Sometimes this is neutral, sometimes it is good, sometimes it is harmful. 

God made the woman out of part of the man that He had removed. We are incomplete without each other. Now we need a bit of common sense in applying this. It does not mean that anyone who is single is necessarily incomplete or lacking. Jesus, and Paul,  spoke positively of those who willingly forego marriage for the sake of the kingdom. We should also avoid the other extreme of seeing singleness as being superior. Society needs marriages, and societies where marriage is breaking down are societies that are breaking down.  Also, it is not just about marriage! Society needs men and women in a multitude of ways.


We now get verses specifically about marriage. God brought the woman to the man and he declared that she was “bone of my bone” and “flesh of my flesh”. They were made for each other. It teaches us that sex is for one man and one woman united in marriage, committed to each other. This is the teaching that Jesus endorsed (Matt 19:4-6). In every other context sexual relations will lead to disaster, as frequently happens, and Genesis will have its fair share of disasters in later chapters. “And they were not ashamed”. In our fallen world sex is often a subject of shame, and society’s ways are at least partly responsible for this.

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