
Monday 29 April 2019

Mark 6:10-13 - They cast out many demons

Hospitality was a big thing in the world of the time, this is somewhat at contrast to our society where privacy is highly valued. So it would be common for a travelling Jew to be offered hospitality. Once this happened they were to stay there, taking it as a sign of acceptance, and then preach the gospel in that place. But if a place would not accept them, then they were not to continue bashing their heads against brick wall, but to leave the place. Shaking the dust of their feet was a sign against that place, that they had refused to accept God’s word, and so would take the consequences. We need to understand that some people will accept the word gladly, others will refuse to accept it. And it is not always our fault if someone refuses to listen! It could be because of their hardness of heart.

Now remember that at the start of this section we are told that Jesus gave them authority to cast out unclean spirits. Now we are told that they went out and proclaimed that people should repent. We need to understand that the healing and casting out of demons was not the main thing, and at the same time that it was an essential part of the mission. The healing and casting out of demons demonstrates the authority that the gospel has, and the setting free that comes from the gospel, but the call to repentance is at the heart of the gospel proclamation.


They preached repentance, and they also cast out many demons. They anointed many who were sick with oil and healed them. So the disciples used anointing with oil in their healing of people. We speak of healing ministries, but in the Bible we find that preaching the gospel and healing people are all of a piece. They are not separate entities.

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