
Thursday 25 April 2019

Isaiah 8:1-4 - Take a large scroll

Earlier in chapter 7 God had spoken of a sign being given, a child being born. Isaiah is to take a large scroll, this was to perform the role of a roadside advertising hoarding. The words Maher-Shalal-Hash-Baz means “Quick to plunder, swift to spoil”. People have a great reluctance to accept that disaster is coming, we use all sorts of rationalisation to reason why it won’t actually happen. God is making it as clear as possible that disaster is on its way. And Isaiah has two witnesses to attest to the declaration. Judah would never be able to claim that she “never knew”, God gave her ample warning of what was coming.

The prophetess is Isaiah’s wife. She gave birth to a son, and he was given the name Maher-Shalal-Hash-Baz. As a small aside, this demonstrates that we get condensed versions of things in Scripture, as there is clearly at least a nine month period covered by this verse! The Damascus and Samaria that Judah so feared would shortly become nothing at all.

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