
Tuesday 29 January 2019

Zechariah 13:1,2 - On that day there shall be a fountain

We see hear another common theme of salvation as presented in the Bible, but so often missed in modern presentations of the “gospel”. There is a cleansing from sin and uncleanness. That applies to all of us who are saved, and to all who will be saved. We all need to cleaned, we are filthy with sin. A key element of the preaching of the gospel is the need to repent. Too often we shy away from mentioning sin, and then at others we go to the other extreme and just preach condemnation without any grace. Note that this fountain will be for the House of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem. There is salvation for Israel.


On that day the names of idols will be cut off. When God’s salvation comes we stop trusting in idols, stop putting our hope in something other than the Lord Himself. On that day we will remember them no more. The prophets will be removed. Now we might think this strange, or if you are a cessationist you might think this supports your view, but that would be terrible exegesis! The prophets at the time were almost universally false prophets. Now today there are many rubbish prophets and the church would benefit greatly from their removal!

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