
Monday 15 April 2019

Isaiah 6:11-13 - For how long, Lord?

“For how long ...” Isaiah wonders how long this hardening of heart is to go on for. Note the positive implication that the situation is not permanent. So the answer is encouraging in that sense, but noth that encouraging! Utter devastation will come first. Cities will be devastated, and people taken away to exile. Then even though there is a remnant left, it too will “again be laid waste”. But there will be a “holy seed” in the land, from which new things will grow. The road to restoration is not an easy one. Turning the heart of a nation is not an easy matter. In our societies there is a mass turning against God, and we pray for God to reverse things. We should do this, but we should also be aware that the road may be very difficult indeed. And we should note that the things spoken of here did take place. Babylon devastated Jerusalem, and many were carried off into exile.

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