
Friday 18 January 2019

Galatians 4:1,2 - Under guardians

Paul wants the Galatians to understand the situation. The Judaisers were interpreting the gospel in the light of the old ways, of their way of attaining righteousness via the Law. Jesus spoke about the folly of trying to put new wine into old wineskins (Mark 2:22). We too can try and squeeze the gospel into our old lifestyle. The gospel demands a whole new way of thinking and living. Now this does not mean the Old Testament is now defunct or was a mistake, rather it needs to be seen from God’s perspective. It sets out many things that are right and wrong, and it pointed towards and prepared the way for Christ. Now before Christ came the Israelites did indeed have an inheritance, but they were like an heir who is under age. Such an heir is the legal owner of the estate, but while they are still a child they are subject to rules and guardians, and others make most of the decisions for them. So it was with the Jews.


This situation continues until such time as the will says they attain full control of the estate. So it is with God’s plan. The coming of Christ, His death and resurrection, mark that change. Just as it would be foolish for the now come of age heir to continue to live as if he had no authority over things, so it is foolish for us to live as if we are slaves to the Law.

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