
Monday 28 August 2023

Hebrews 10:25,26 - Not neglecting to meet together

“Not neglecting to meet together”. Some of them had stopped meeting together, or at least were doing so far less frequently. There are various reasons why we may be tempted to do this. In the case of the Hebrews the threat of persecution may have been the primary reason. Feeling discouraged or inadequate can be a reason. Whatever force may be tempting us to not meet, we should resist it. For when we meet together we can encourage one another, and we need to be encouraged. “All the more so as you see the Day drawing near”. The worse things get is a sign that this age is passing away, the day of Christ draws near.

“For if we go on sinning ...” What is the author talking about here? Is it acts of sin as we normally think of it, or is it denying Christ’s sacrifice on the cross? Given the context the, the latter seems the more likely as that is what the writer has been on about for the whole of the letter. Also “after receiving the knowledge of the truth” would also seem to support this, as does the phrase “there is no longer remains a sacrifice for sins”. We all do commit acts of sin, and if we repent then we are covered by the blood of Christ. The sin of the Hebrews was that they were relying on the Levitical sacrifices, or being tempted to do so. There is now only one sacrifice for sins, and that is the blood of Christ.

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