
Sunday 14 March 2021

Ezekiel 15:1-8 - I will set my face against them


This is a rather short chapter, but begins a series of denunciations of Israel (not that the preceding chapters have exactly been complimentary!). This chapter begins with God asking Ezekiel a question: “Son of man, how is the wood of a vine different from that of a branch from any of the trees in the forest?” Natural analogies are often used in the Bible. Since the world was created by God, it is hardly surprising that many features of God’s purposes can be found in creation. We do, of course, make a serious mistake if we then start worshipping creation itself! However, there is much that can be learnt from creation.

The vine was utterly useless as a structural material, it being far too weak to be up to much. But why is God talking about Israel as a vine in terms of being a structure (or for making things)? That’s not what they were meant to be. Indeed, it is a silly and ridiculous thing to do. And that is the whole point. Israel was forever wanting to be like the other nations, but they were never meant to be like the other nations. They were meant to live like the people of God! If they had tried to live like the people of God they would indeed have been useful, they would have been what they were meant to be. But when they tried to be like the nations they were utterly useless. 

The same applies to the church. We are the body of Christ, we are meant to live as Christ’s disciples, His servants here on earth. When we do this we fulfill our God given purpose and destiny. But when the church tries to be like the world, when it makes the world its guide it just looks ridiculous. Moreover, it is then utterly pointless. We are here to present the gospel to the world to present God’s word to the world. Not to present the world’s word to itself!

The passage also tells Ezekiel what is going to happen to Jerusalem. It will be burnt up and become completely useless. So the land of Israel will become utterly desolate. This will happen because the Lord is going to do it. And why is the Lord going to do this? It is because of Israel’s unfaithfulness.

The church is forever wondering if it will decline, or what to do about its decline. All too often the line taken by the church is that it will try and become more like the world. This is the height of stupidity. If we are unfaithful to the Lord, and persist in being so, then at some point the Lord will cast us off. Conversely, if we are faithful to the Lord then He will build us up, and we will fulfill the purpose for which He saved us, and for which He created the church.

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