
Wednesday 9 October 2019

Isaiah 40:27,28 - Why do you complain?

From the vastness of the universe attention now comes right back down to the people. “Why do you complain?” We all do, there are times when we think our “way is hidden from the Lord”, we think that he has forgotten us, or isn’t bothered about our situation. The implication of this verse is that God knows exactly what is going on in our lives, and He cares about it. God’s ways will often not tally with the way we would do things, or the way we want Him to intervene, but we can be certain that He does indeed care about us and is fully aware of what is happening in our lives.


“Do you not know?”, “Have you not heard”? These are rhetorical questions, reminding them who God actually is. All of us need to remind ourselves repeatedly. That is one of the reasons (not the only one!) why worship is so important, and why worship should be focused primarily on the greatness of God. He is the creator of all things. Moreover, He does not grow tired or weary. Whatever our situation it is not beyond God, and it is not something that He can normally deal with but just now He is having an off day! God never grows tired or weary, He is always God, always able to save. “His understanding no one can fathom”. That means neither you nor I can fathom His understanding. We might not understand why God is allowing something to happen, or seeming not to do anything, but we can be sure he knows what He is doing.

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