
Thursday 3 October 2019

Ephesians 4:1,2 - Live a life worthy of your calling

We have now finished the “theological” section, if you like, and we move on to the life application part. However, we must remember that all that Paul says in the last three chapters is based on what he has said in the first three. Moreover, there is more theology as well. If we just do a very brief recap of the first three chapters, Paul has above all emphasised the greatness of God. He has talked about God’s power working in and through us, how important the church is, and that everything is accomplished in and through Christ. He has also stressed our position in Christ. So is there anything for us to do? Absolutely! Paul again reminds them that he is a prisoner, but a prisoner for the Lord. So his goal, and our goal, is to live life worthy of our calling. God’s grace actually places demands upon us.


The first “demands” are about our attitudes. There will be practical instructions later on, but our heart attitudes are the most important. If they are wrong we will get nowhere. Conversely, if they are right, then it will usually be obvious what the right thing to do is. So we are to be humble and gentle, patient with one another, and bearing with one another in love. Living in community is difficult! But it is only together that we can begin to grasp the full extent of God’s love. We should also note that characteristics like humility were not considered virtues in Greek culture. The norm was to exalt oneself. The fact that humility and gentleness are considered as virtues in the West is a sign of the Christian influence on society.

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