
Sunday 22 September 2019

Isaiah 37:20,21 - Deliver us from his hand

Now Hezekiah implores God to rescue them from the Assyrians, and the primary motive is that all the kingdoms of te earth may know that He alone is God. So how do we apply these last few verses to ourselves? In the West we see the sexual revolution apparently conquering all, imposing its destructive ideology upon all of society. And we see that area after area of life has succumbed to the onslaught, and we see its destructive effects. We should not deny the reality of what is happening, but we should also see beyond it. Christ is Lord, the culture is not. And we are all His creation. The people being harmed by the sexual ideology are Christ's creation. We should pray on the basis of faith and truth.


Previously it was Hezekiah who sent officials to Isaiah, this time it is Isaiah who sent a message to Hezekiah. In the church we should not have a dependency culture, nor an independence culture, but an interdependency culture. There are things we can do ourselves, there are things where we need the help of others, and where we can help others. As Paul says in Galatians 6, each must carry his own burden and we must bear each others burdens (Gal 6:2,5). "Because you have prayed to me". Prayer is a powerful thing, and there are things that God will only do in response to prayer.

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